shopping guides

Valentine´s Day on Gamiss
Valentine´s Day on Rosegal

pondělí, ledna 15, 2018

Dnes se ještě podíváme na menší Valentýnskou inspiraci, kterou jsme si pro Vás společně připravili ve spolupráci s e-shopem Gamiss a Rosegal. Tentokrát jsou vybrané outfity zaměřeny na tři speciální události. První je klasické rande, kdy muže okouzlíte tím, že vsadíte na nějaké pěkné, černé šaty, které zvýrazní Vaši postavu. Červená rtěnka podtrhne Vaše rty a partner z Vás nespustí oči. Druhá událost je společný den se ségrou, kdy se můžete sladit do podobného outfitu a vyrazit třeba na společný oběd. Poslední téma je zaměřeno na večer s přáteli.
Ať už plánujete oslavu Valentýna či nikoliv i Rosegal přichází s pěkným návrhem elegantních outfitů pro dívky. 
Pamatujete si na své úplně první rande? Co jste měli na sobě? Já tenkrát čtrnáctiletá šmudla, zvonové kalhoty a takovou tu kratší huňatou bundu s chlupatým lemem rukávu :D

Ps. Na základě této spolupráce, kdy jsem si mohla vybrat nějaké oblečení u jejich e-shopu se budu snažit opět nafotit nějaký hezký ouftit, který Vás třeba inspiruje.


Gamiss Valentines Day Promotion
Good day babes! February is almost here and what does it mean?  14TH is Valentine’s Day!!! Yessss! I really love all Valentine decoration in shops and every place, restaurants and pubs, also turn extremely beautiful. One of the most asked questions for this special date is what are you going to wear. Don’t worry, you could find in this article a guidebook to a trendy and fashion Valentine’s Day based on Gamiss valentines day 2018 incredible promotions, that you can find  hereThis guide is going to be focused on three different Valentine’s plans so you can find the perfect look for every occasion.

1. Special collocation date
There’s a theory that wearing these colors, most especially black  and red, makes one looks more sexually attractive. Men and women in red or near red and black are perceived by women as having higher status than men who aren't wearing or near red. You are going to have a very romantic date with your boyfriend. I suggest you wear a piece of item that is in or have the color black This color isn’t only flattering on any skin tone but also symbolizes confidence. 

2. Sisters and Valentine´s
Valentine’s day is the perfect day to meet your sister and go to lunch with a two pieces outfit, one for you, polka dot crop top and circle skirt and another for your sister, faux pearls scalloped top and bodycon skirt.
Zaful | Polka Dot top and Circle skirt 
Zaful Faux Pearls Scalloped top and bodycon skirt

3. Single Special party
And to end this guide, a good option is to go out with your friends!!! 
if you are single or in a budding relationship or in a relationship that has just started and/or if wearing red or Black on Valentine’s Day is just too much for you, the next best option is wearing pink or any piece of clothing with a touch of pink. Brighter pinks are youthful, fun, and exciting, while vibrant pinks have the same high energy as red; they are sensual and passionate without being too aggressive. Toning down the passion of red with the purity of white results in the softer pinks that are associated with romance and the blush of a young woman's cheeks.

Gamiss outfit | Dress | Shoes | Bag

Rosegal Valentine's Day Gifts 2018
It’s soon Valentine’s day, and it’s a special day for many. Some of you might go for a romantic date or spend time with your boyfriend or girlfriend. But there are many people who are not going on a date or have a boyfriend or girlfriend, who must find other ways to spend the day. For instance, the girls can arrange a sleepover party while the guys can arrange a bachelor party. But whatever you plan on Valentine’s day. There might be some of you who don’t know what to wear on that day. To help you along the way, we decided to write a Valentine’s Day outfit guidebook, where you can get inspiration and advice on what you can wear on that day. We decided to divide it into three parts: 1. outfit for dating for boyfriends, 2. Sisters installed outfits, 3. Outfit for bachelor party. We hope that this Valentine’s Day guidebook is helpful, and we wish everyone to have wonderful and great Valentine’s day filled with love and happiness. 

1.Outfits for dating for boyfriends
We picked out these dresses which you can wear for a date. They are very romantic. It’s important to wear a dress which is comfortable and which you feel confident in. We think that colors like Red or Black are perfect colors to wear for Valentine’s day. Red is associated with romance while black is associated with something mysterious. For accessories you can for instance wear earrings and necklaces with pearls or diamond details. Just dress to impress, keep it simple with not too many details and let your personality shine through.

Rosegal Dress Shoes Bag Bracelet

2. Sister installed outfits
We picked out these sister installed outfits. If you don’t have a boyfriend, not found a date and all your friends are other plans. If you are lucky to have a sister, who doesn’t have plans on that day. You can make plans together! For instance, go shopping together, making cupcakes, watch a movie or go to a party. It would be a lot of fun if you wore matching dresses in different colors.
Rosegal Dress Shoes Bag Make-up Earrings

3. Outfits for bachelor party
We picked out these outfits to wear for a bachelor party. It’s supposed to be a fun occasion, and a great opportunity to dress up a little. At this party, there are single men and women. This is a good opportunity for you who are still single. So you have to dress yourself. Make yourself look more attractive. A great suit would go well.

Rosegal Dress Sandals Bag Earrings

Get your Valentine's day game strong with Rosegal

We at Rosegal wish you a wonderful Valentine’s Day, filled with much love and happiness.

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7 komentářů

  1. Great post. Do you want to follow each other? Let me know on my blog so I can follow you back. ♥

    The Fashion Spell | VLOG: Christmas in Romania

  2. Nejvíc se mi líbí ty růžové :))

  3. ja si myslím, že na valentína stačí mať spodné prádlo :D

    Viki Ceglédyová

  4. Krásné koláže :) líbí se mi ten černej crop top se sukní. Jinak jak jsi mi tam psala, abych tam ty šaty ukázala naživo, tak přesně ty svetrové jsou na mně přímo pod tou koláží :D. BEAUTYPUSINKA

    1. Aha, já jsem právě myslela, že to nejsi ty, jak ti nebylo vidět do obličeje :)


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